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Programs and Services


 ReNewHer ~The Course 

Learn and implement the Back-to-basics fundamentals that your body requires to build a resilient foundation through perimenopause and beyond. With this 7 module-independent program, you will be empowered with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to reclaim your body's natural balance.

 Join TODAY!

 Premiere Functional Wellness Plan Consult

This comprehensive 2-part session begins with a detailed intake to be completed. I will also request recent labs, if available, but not necessary. Let's build your roadmap so that you can begin experiencing your highest potential in health and wellness. 

Modalities used are functional nutrition, laser-focused coaching techniques to help find root cause, and herbal and aromatherapy support. Any customized herbal and aromatherapy formulas or blends are at an extra cost. The investment for this 2-part Session is $199.00. Payment options are available; contact [email protected]

Purchase and Book Here. 

**Labs are not used for diagnosis but rather a tool to gain insight on where to start supporting your health and wellness journey. 

Herbal Consult

Are you ready to try something different?

This consult is designed to provide you with a personal herbal strategy to support and enhance your health and well-being. Whether it's to complement current therapies for health challenges or enhance your wellness, we will find the right formula for you.

Book Your Consult

 ReNew Her Vitality ~

Personal Coaching Program

A 90-day program for women 40 and beyond guaranteed
to leave you inspired, empowered, and able to regain control of your life, body, and mind.

This season of life is a period of significant transitions, whether related to health, career, relationships, or personal identity. This program equips you with tools to navigate these changes gracefully, empowering you to embrace transformation as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. More info Here.

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Free Wellness Strategy Session

All areas of a person’s wellness work functionally, allowing for true holistic healing. If nothing else has helped, maybe it’s time to do something differently. Not sure yet? Sign up for your free 20-minute strategy call. We can discover what program is right for you.

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Premiere Monthly Packages

Monthly Functional Nutrition and Herbal support packages:

Package 1

Biweekly 1-hour sessions

Weekly action steps

Curated video lessons and handouts to enhance results



Package 2

Once per month 1 hour 1:1 session

Weekly Action Steps

Curated video lessons and handouts to enhance results

Email support in between calls



Monthly packages must start with a Premiere Wellness session. You have the ability to sign up on a month-to-month basis once the initial Premiere wellness session has been completed. Book Premiere Session here.

All information is confidential, always kept secure, and HIPPA compliant.