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What Exactly is an Essential Oil? Jul 11, 2023

It seems everyone is talking about them. So many people are using them in their homes, but what exactly are essential oils? Truth be told, these highly concentrated products of plants are not a new FAD. These have been used for centuries by our ancient ancestors. The first recorded use of...

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7 Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil with DIY Mosquito Repellent Recipe Jul 06, 2023

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Lemongrass essential oil and learn how to make a natural mosquito repellent. Where do we get lemongrass essential oil? It is steam distilled of the fresh leaves or grass of the plant after they have been partially dried. In its proper pure form,...

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Make Your Own Nausea Remedy And Explore Sweet Orange Essential Oil Benefits Jul 06, 2023

There are some great benefits to sweet orange essential oil and it has got to be on the top of the list as one of my absolute favorites. I know I say this often, but really; it’s so uplifting, friendly, clean; just a breath of fresh air. Let’s take a closer look at how sweet orange...

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How to Make Switching to Natural Deodorant Easy Jun 29, 2023

So, you have learned that antiperspirants can potentially be hazardous to your health. Now you want to stop using them and start using a natural deodorant. Great! Congratulations on switching to natural deodorant and not risking the potential damage down the road. There are a few things, however,...

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Make This Roller Bottle Blend For Congestion With Eucalyptus Essential Oil And Discover Four Amazing Benefits Jun 29, 2023

In this article we will explore four benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil.  You may need a “bounce in your step” to lift your mood, combat mold and mildew in your bathroom, need to ease achy muscles or head,  or perhaps your sinuses need attention due to cold, flu or allergy...

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Understanding Natural Product Lingo. What Does It All Mean? Jun 28, 2023

So, you want to be more conscious about the ingredients that you are using on your body. Or, you might be experimenting with making your own skincare products. You have noticed that there are some terms that you may not be quite clear on their meaning. What is natural product lingo and what does...

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