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7 Food Toxins to Begin Avoiding Today! Jun 27, 2023

We have so many toxins that our bodies are fighting every day. The human body has not changed that much since our ancestors, but we have a lot more coming at us than they did. Our body is not designed to fight off all these complex chemicals. We have natural protection via our amazing filtration...

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The Benefits of Balancing Your Plate Jun 23, 2023

When you’re embarking on a journey of eating better and living a healthier lifestyle, one of the very first steps to take is learning how to balance your plate. I like to call this the magic plate because balancing your plate of 3 key components; protein, fat, and carbs/fiber, you’re...

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Why are We Sick, Tired, And Overweight? Jun 22, 2023

The average daily life in the 21st Century typically consists of a “to-do” list a mile long. We are a society that multitasks, overbooks, and has multiple responsibilities. This includes family, work, and recreation (if there’s time). Our sleep is deprived because of...

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5 Foods That Robbing Your Energy Jun 20, 2023

We need energy food. It’s our fuel to keep us going, but could you be fueling your body with the wrong kinds of food and actually be draining energy instead? In this article, we will explore some common culprits of “energy snatchers.” You’re eating at least two of these...

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